Episode #7: Max Lenormand on The Little Prince and Night Flight by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Max Lenormand, geospatial data scientist, podcaster, and continually curious frenchman teaches us about the fascinating Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and the background behind his books Night Flight and The Little Prince. We talk about humans’ strange ambition, personal sacrifice, mortality, immortality, aviation, communication networks, and why love is a choice.
A few notes and links:
- Buy Night Flight
- Buy The Little Prince
- Listen to Minds Behind Maps
- Look at the glorious website for GDAL (the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library). It’s perfect!
- "The Little Prince becomes world’s most translated book, excluding religious works"
- The post on LinkedIn where I asked for people to recommend fiction books
- There is no means to an end, because the end is now.
- Max and I come up with the concept of the Vibes 𝗑 Substance Matrix at about 1:30:20 in the episode. Sketch of the matrix below and discussion on LinkedIn

The Vibes 𝗑 Substance Matrix
Next month’s reading is “The Analytical Language of John Wilkins” by Jorge Luis Borges. Read it! It’s short!